
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beach, Sand, and Michigan...oh my!

Life has been completely hectic lately!

I just got back from the wonderful, warm, breezy weather of Panama Beach, Florida. This was my one and only college Spring Break and it is one that I will remember for a very long time! Before break, I had a few big school projects that required a lot of cramming and tying up loose ends.  But I am happy to say that I got an A in each of those classes.. I guess being completely overwhelmed with work helps me exceed. I suppose I can't complain.  I am so sad to be back in Michigan...all I can think about is my vaca, taxi drives, friends, and laying in the sun. PLEASE up the antsy mother nature and make it warm here in the Mitten!!! :)

I have sooo many great finds to post on here.. I just got back from a trip to the Goodwill division and decided to take pictures of the stuff I got with my iphone so I can put them on here immediately!
Goodwill/ Old Navy/ 3.29

Goodwill/ Express/ 3.29
Goodwill/ Express 100% silk/ 3.29

Goodwill/ Target-Mossimo/ 2.99

Goodwill/ 3.99
unbranded, but oh so cute. 
I hope my blog is encouraging you all to check out your local thrift shops!! Of course you can find cute items anywhere..the web, mall, you can also find cute unique items at these trendy little shops!! I have a lot of friends asking me to take them along and emails- so keep it up!! email with any questions or tips! 

Lately I have been finding a lot of Express and Banana Republic, awww yeah! 

I have 6 weeks to go till Graduation to countdown and eagerness begins!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Treasure Hunt

Love jewelery like me?
Well shop the widest selection of unique jewelery items from Goodwill!

I have been scouring this site for a couple of hours now! I found so many cool rings and they are SO cheap! Why go anywhere else???? :)

Buy something? let me know- I would love to see what you picked out!

Thrift post coming soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Got some spunk!

The end of a dry spell...

I have been pretty busy lately, surprise.. School is starting to pick back up! However, at the same time it is kind of easy oddly enough!  Last semester I came down with temporary insanity and decided it was a good idea to take 20 credits and do an internship.  I made it through with all A's and B's and a whole new work ethic! This semester feel like a BREEZE and although I have some huge projects to is manageable.  Like I mentioned before, I am working on volunteering at Goodwill again and learning more about my future employment (crossing fingers!!). Oh, what am I thinking.. Happy Valentines Day readers!!! May you all find love in living and being happy! I have been on a couple thrift trips- 1 new dress, 2 new skirts, some decor, 1 sweater, 1 cardigan and I think that is all.. haha on a side note, I love those all state commercials with the mayhem guy. Continuing on... I finally got a new phone-- the verizon iphone and I am VERY satisfied- yay staying up to par with the rest of society! Also I am putting myself out there, I want anyone who has questions, or are curious, email me with questions and especially those regarding sustainability- it's a new- but kind of not new thing that many people are scratching their heads about, so please ask and I will do my best to use my education and help you out! I want to serve as a resource to help those who would like to make a difference, even if the changes are small! :)

Two of my new finds!

Sweater/Goodwill/Carolyn Taylor/$3.99
Cardigan/Goodwill/Liz Sport/ $2.99
Jeans/ American Eagle/ $10
Shoes/ Goodwill/Hush Puppies/$4.99- NEW!!!

I love the spunk of this cardigan and the casual comfort of this outfit! See, I'm not all skirts and dresses! aha

In just shy of three weeks I will be taking a road trip with a few of my favorite gals to Panama City for Spring Break! This minor heat wave in the Mitten is making me antsy! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Snowmageddon & Throwback, ahh!

I am pleased that after all the excitement the news and weather people were stirring up..that the blizzard actually happened!

I had to go into work anyway! But it's not so bad.  I live about 4 blocks away and I can get my homework done since this building is completely deserted! I again, haven't been feeling well so I was not able to do any pictures these past few days, given the weather as well.  So I decided to post some of my previous pictures that I banked  up just for this very occasion! 

The snow! via Wood TV 8

There was just a little snow outside at this point!

Cardigan/ AE/ 
Skirt & Tights/ Forever 21
Shirt- Thrifted
Shoes/ AE

My boyfriend and I take a trip to Lansing every now and then to eat at the most yummy restaurant (next to Panera ;) ) PF Changs!! Spicy Green Beans are ze best!!

In my last post I was wearing this vest above ^ I thought it would be a good idea to show how I styled it for the Fall!

This is the same dress as above but styled differently with a V-neck & Tights! This was one of my favorite spring outfits because of all the colors! 

I had my best thrift experience TO DATE with one of my besties, Amanda.  This is not because of what I found, well.. it's part of if, but because of the most entertaining store owner I have encountered! As you may already know my friend Amanda went to Douglas J and she is a wonderful stylist! She does my hair a lot for me (thanks!!). I went to her house last week to have my hair curled for the festivities that would ensue that weekend. Afterwards we decided to go to Captain Bazzarros. Cpt Bazzaros is not any ordinary thrift shop. This shop operates by rented spaces.  Anyone can rent a spot, load it up with anything they want, and wait patiently for it to sell! I think it has a pretty good turn around because unlike other thrift shops, you can make offers on the items- do a little wheeling and dealing! We spent close to two hours in the store hanging out with TimJim.  This is his given name now because I don't think he knew really what his name was...either Tim or Jim haha! He had us try some drinks, chatted, and we bargained for a few items.  

I love Harry Potter and as SOON as I spotted this.. I knew it was coming home with me! $2

Retro skirt, loves it! $5

My new ring that I AM determined not to lose! $2

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Warmth

This weekend was pretty busy!

I feel like it was everyone and their Grandma's birthday this weekend! Friday night started out by celebrating my friends Kimmi and Amanda's birthday! I had loads of fun! We went to a yummy restaurant downtown and then dancing at The Bob! I was really looking forward to some girl time, dancing, and checking out The Eve night club at the very top of The Bob! Around midnight I met up with my other friends to celebrate the other birthday and more dancing.  By the end of the night, or well morning... my knees and feet were aching with pain!! Not to mention there was a random snow storm and my heels weren't doing the job!

I met up with Amanda and everyone at the good ole' westside bar- The Bird.  It's a high school reunion pretty much every weekend there!

Amanda, Me, Vic
How lame of me to cut the Birthday girl out... but I'm just not talented with taking my own pictures! Should of done a little less dancing and more picture time!

The rest of the weekend consisted of homework, studying, church, and bumping  into one of my good friends Hilary and her meng Andrew! We went to Panera (mmmmm) after church to catch up! This week is going to be pretty busy between school and meetings! I am going to start volunteering for Goodwill again (yay)! I am also hoping to do a blog project with them soon.... another project to work on! I am really getting the hang of this blog and I am enjoying watching it blossom.  I see this blog as my outlet for my hobby (thrifting) It's not so much of fashion tips, and keeping up with the fads and what not..not saying I won't go that route, it's all pretty much up in the air at this point and I am just having fun with it! I love finding good stuff and showing people what second hand treasures are to be found! I rarely shop at the mall this is a big boost  in my personal budget! 

I also want to get some formatting down... my outfits seeing as second hand stores carry a bazillion brands will go like this:

Yes... I have glasses!

Dress/ Goodwill/ Old Navy/ $4.99
Vest- Hand me down from Grandma!
Necklace/ Goodwill/ $1.99
Tights/ American Eagle/ $6
Boots/ Target/ Kashanna/ $20-ish?

haha...the camera was still on macro- Brettles. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Southern Bell

This is probably my ultimate vintage find! Here it is, the dress I talked about in my last post!

I picked this dress from the Goodwill in Virginia for $4!! At first I wasn't sure about it because I didn't know what I was going to where it to...then I tried it on and it felt like it was suited just for my body! It fit perfectly and I was sold! I ended up wearing this dress to a wedding of my boyfriends friend Josh.

A fun weekend is in order, two friends birthdays, thrifting, and more funsies!!!

Also, you may notice that there a few changes- new fonts, colors! A special Thank You to Tieka at for assisting me in this transition!!

Take care everyone!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Goodwill's Jewels

I have found some of my favorite jewelery at Goodwill..

One of my first posts featured a Zebra necklace from Goodwill. Jewelery tends to run anywhere from .49 cents to $4.99. The only thing that you will not find so much of is rings. I have found one ring at Salvation Army that I wear everyday! However, if your ring size is 7 and up then your in luck!

My Goodwill internship has ended, my huge project is completed and I miss it very much so! I'm hoping to land a job there once I graduate!

This necklace almost matches my skirt from Forever 21!

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